ACMP 2018, Bangkok
at Silpakorn University (SUFM)
Sept. 15 and 16
Conference and Concert
Asia Computer Music Project (ACMP) was inaugurated in
2010 as a joint event between Korea and Japan. This project originated
from an ICMA regional event with the goal to promote mutual understanding
between computer music composers and computer music researchers in/of Asia.
Therefore ACMP events always comprise of both concerts and research presentations.
After the ACMP 2017, at Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea,
ACMP has found a new member country. We are happy to announce
ACMP this year will be held in Bangkok, Thailand.
Coming Event
ACMP 2018, Bankok
Sept. 15 - 16, 2018
at The Faculty of Music,
Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Concert & Conference